Why Join Rotary?

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Why join Rotary? New and long-standing members of Rotary say they joined because Rotary gave them opportunities for fellowship, service and making a difference in their community and around the world. They stay because of the friendships they developed and the sense of purpose they feel when their service projects make a difference in the lives of others.

Why join the Rotary Club of Bonita Springs? The 80-member Rotary Club of Bonita Springs is a welcoming group of business professionals, nonprofit leaders (including school principals), and retirees living in Bonita Springs and the surrounding areas. It also welcomes Rotarians who live in other areas of the country during the summer but reside seasonally in the Bonita Springs area. The Club was founded more than 45 years ago to create a place for people to meet weekly to learn about the community and its needs, raise funds to help and to provide donations and volunteer support and offer opportunities to develop leadership skills through service to the Club.

Since it was founded, the Club has awarded more than $2.7 million to area organizations including Meals of Hope, Café of Life, FK Incorporated, Bonita Springs and Springs Run Elementary school, Bonita Springs and Estro middle and high school, Gift of Life (international life-saving heart surgery program for infants and children around the world, Wheelchair Foundation (internation), Wonder Gardens, Wounded Warriors of Collier County, YMCA of Bonita Springs, Arts Bonita and Collier-Lee Honor Flight.

To raise funds, the Club hosts annual fundraisers, including Christmas Tree and Poinsettia sales, a reverse raffle party that drew more than 300 people last year, and other events. Club members (and their spouses and guests) also gather monthly for a “First Thursday” social to have an opportunity to mix and mingle with Club members they may not be able to talk to during a weekly meeting.

Check Us Out: The Rotary Club of Bonita Springs meets every Thursday morning from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at Spring Run Country Club on Coconut Point Road. For more information about the Rotary Club of Bonita Springs, to receive an invitation for a complimentary breakfast meeting, or to request a referral to another local Rotary Club, call Jim Fitzpatrick at 239.301.8168 or send an email to: [email protected].