
The Foundation of The Rotary Club of Bonita Springs, Inc. (the Foundation) was established to make charitable donations to projects and entities meeting the groups requirements.  Funding for the organization comes primarily through fundraising activities held by The Rotary Club of Bonita Springs (the Club), as well as some direct donations.  The Foundation carries 501 (c)3 tax status, allowing some donors to enjoy preferential tax treatment.

The Board of Trustees consists of seven members, each eligible to serve a maximum of two, three-year terms. Trustees serve staggered terms and elections are held at regular Club meetings once each year.  The current Club President is also encouraged to attend meetings, as well as seek election to the Board following his/her term of service with the Club.

The Foundation has set forth policies regarding qualifications for authorizing donations, as well as investment guidelines for the funds in its care.  Additionally, a budget is established each year, and funding is considered on a local, regional, and international basis.

Club members are welcomed and encouraged to attend regular monthly Board meetings to get to know more about the functions and duties of their Foundation. We accept requests for grants that can be mailed to our club’s post office box.

Trustees of The Foundation of The Rotary Club of Bonita Springs

  • Christopher L Riesen, President
  • Gary Price, Secretary
  • Bob Lombardo, Treasurer
  • Ron Anderson
  • Jim Burger
  • Kae Moore
  • Eileen Tasso