International Service

Our Rotary Club has sponsored a number of water projects in Central America, particularly in Guatemala, where we have distributed hundreds of water filters to families who are in desperate need of clean water.  We also are annual sponsors of our Gift of Life program wherein we sponsor a child, typically from Central American who is in need of heart surgery.  We participate in the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship Program and have sponsored a young woman to enroll in a semester of college abroad.  This helps further our goal of  promoting peace, goodwill, and better friendships across the world.  We sponsor Group Study Exchanges and have send young business persons and professionals to other countries to learn more about international business, government and ways of life abroad.  In turn we have hosted group study exchanges here in our region of Florida for foreigners seeking to learn more about our way of life.  We have also sponsored two Exchange students in recent years who have lived here in Bonita Springs/Estero and attended Estero High School.  One young man was from Germany two years ago and live with the Faubion family and last year we had a Brazilian young man we sponsored who lived with the McCaw family.  Each student spent an entire academic school year and learned a tremendous amount about our nation, our way of life, and our ideals.  The lives that have been touched by Rotary fellowship, service and commitment to improving humanity are numerous due to our club’s efforts.  The ripple effects of these actions continue forth today and into the future to make our world a better place to live.

Wheelchair Foundation

The Wheelchair Foundation was founded as a non-profit organization by Ken Behring in June of 2000.  The mission is to provide a wheelchair to every man, woman, and child in the world who needs but cannot afford one.  In March of 2001, Rotary became an important partner in the Wheelchair Foundation.  To date there have been approximately 850,000 wheelchairs distributed to people in need in more than 155 countries.  This is an amazing result in only ten years of fundraising and distribution.  Rotary has enjoyed some precious moments of fellowship serving humanity when distributing the wheelchairs.  Fellow Rotarian in the Bonita Springs Noon Club, Steve Agius, has been instrumental in leading our District 6960 toward generating awareness, enthusiasm, and executing Rotary action on the Wheelchair Project.

Our Club has generously supported the Wheelchair Foundation year after year.  You can participate as well.  By a donation of $100, you can have a wheelchair purchased in yours or a loved one’s name that will be delivered to a person in need.  The donation form is available right here Wheelchair Donation Form.  Thank you very much.